Advanced Technology
The Edworthy Vision Centre has continually been on the leading edge of technology. Here is a partial list of our equipment:
Ocular Health:
Zeiss Cirrus OCT: Enables cross sectional views of the retina and optic nerve. A critical tool for assessing for Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Ocular Tumours, Retinal Tears and Detachments and more. We were the first Optometrists in Canada to have one!
Optos Ultra Wide Field Imager: Much more than a camera, the Optos capture up to 80% of the retina in a single image.
No Air Puff!: We use the most modern eye pressure technology which doesn't puff or require numbing drops. Our patients love it!
Computerized Phorotors: The focus testing machine we put in front of your face to test for your optical prescription. We've used computerized versions since 1994. These are much more efficient for testing and showing Rx differences. Most offices still use manual lens flipping versions even in this day and age!
More: Corneal Topographers, Meibomian gland imagers, Computerized Visual Fields, Corneal Cross Sectional imaging, Pachymeters, and more!