EDWORTHY VISION CENTRE Dr. Gene Edworthy Dr. Glen Ong Optometrists

Appointments: 403 206 9966


+15 level - Fifth Avenue Place - 425 1st Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta, Canada


The Edworthy Vision Centre is well served by C-Train and Bus. This is an easy, stress free way to come to your appointment with us.


Calgary Transit has an interactive trip planner to give you exact timing and details. Just plug in your location and our street address 425 1 Street SW. The trip planner is located here.

Taxi Cabs

Cabs are generally available at the International Hotel across 4th Avenue from our office

 +15 level of Fifth Avenue Place (formerly known as Esso Plaza) Suite 229, 425 - 1st Street S.W. Calgary. T2P 3L8 Public parking in the building with access from both 4th and 5th Avenues. Centrally located for easy Transit, Taxi and ride share access


Appointments: 403-206-9966

Copyright © Edworthy Vision Centre 2019